Monday, November 25, 2013

Safe Travel Tips for Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is the most heavily traveled time of the year. Because so many of us will be driving, flying, and using other modes of transportation, it is important to remember a set of tips for safe and efficient travel!
  • During your trip, a good way to avoid the "are we there yet" question is to give your children a map so they can see where you are and how far you have until you reach your destination. 
  • Children can be a distraction in the car. Let other adults accompanying you settle distracting situations so you can keep your eyes on the road!
  • Use good judgment when deciding what toys to bring in the car. In the event of a car accident, items can go flying everywhere. Bring small toys and leave everything else in the trunk!
  • Driving without proper rest is very dangerous, so get proper rest. Set aside time to pack your clothes, load your vehicle and get a full night’s sleep for you and your family so you can hit the road rested!
  • Simple safety first! Buckle up, and make sure all passengers are secured properly with safety belts and age-appropriate child safety seats before you head out on your trip. 
  • Try to do most of your traveling during daylight hours, when visibility is best. If you find yourself driving into the glare of a rising or setting sun, consider taking a break until lighting conditions improve.
  • When traveling by RV, make sure passengers buckle up in approved seating locations.
  • If flying, bring your car seats with you. If it is approved for use on an aircraft, you can secure your child and help protect them from unexpected turbulence.
  • Booster seats may not be used on an airplane because they require a lap/shoulder belt, so it is a good idea to check it when traveling.
  • If traveling internationally with your children, be sure to bring all birth certificates, passports and documentation with you. Single parents traveling with children should bring a letter signed by the other parent giving permission for travel listing dates, location and names of those in the travel party.
For more tips on safe travel, click here.

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