Monday, October 21, 2013

Halloween Safety Tips!

Festive costumes, a surplus of candy at the grocery store, and Hocus Pocus reruns have all come together to signal that special time of year again- Halloween. While Halloween is one of the most exciting nights during the year for children, it also has the reputation of being one of the most worrisome nights for caregivers. Here are some tips to help you and your family maximize on safe fun this Halloween!
  • Tell your kids not to enter any home unless you are with them
  • Supply your children with glow sticks, flashlights or brightly colored costumes so that they are visible when it gets dark outside
  • Make sure that your child knows your cell phone number and home number, as well as address
  • If they cannot memorize it, allow them take a cell phone trick or treating with them in case you get separated
  • If wearing a mask or hat is part of their costume, make sure that they have proper visibility out of their head wear and can see all around them
  • Make sure that your trick or treat route is on brightly lit streets and in a well-know area, while avoiding unlit porches and alleys
  • Teach your children to dial 9-1-1 in case there is an emergency or they get separated
  • Finally, teach children to yell "NO" if they are asked to go anywhere with strangers
You can compare the tips listed in this blog to herehere and here! Have a safe and happy Halloween!

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