Friday, September 6, 2013

2012 NCA Report is IN!

The National Children’s Alliance annual report for 2012 was recently released! Not only has NCA expanded CAC development in underserved areas, but there has also been an increase in community awareness and advocacy!

The National Children’s Alliance is an organization that advocates and helps communities in providing a multi-disciplinary approach and comprehensive response to victims of child abuse. Today, there are 775 Children’s Advocacy Centers and 47 State Chapters throughout the country! The 2012 report states that “15 states have 100 percent service coverage and 2/3 of all counties have access to Children’s Advocacy Centers.”

According to the 2012 report, the number of children served by Children’s Advocacy Centers across the country has increased by 175% since 2000.

2012 NCA Statistics
  • 65% of the total number of children served last year were sexual abuse victims
  • 39% were not old enough to attend kindergarten
  • 96% knew their perpetrator
  •  39%  were 0-6 years old
  • 36% were 7-12 years old
  • 25% were 13-18 years old
  • 63% were females
  • 37% were males
  • 40% were abused by a parent or parent’s significant other

NCA, through supporting Children’s Advocacy Centers, is helping communities stand up for children.

For more information on the 2012 National Children’s Alliance Annual Report, click here.

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