Tuesday, July 16, 2013

LGBTQ Youth Disproportionately Victimized

Between five and 10 percent of the population identify as LGBTQ, or lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or questioning. Research shows that there are disproportionate numbers of LGBTQ youth facing family rejection, victimization and abuse and neglect at home. When LGBTQ youth are victims of violence and family rejection, the likelihood that they will participate in high-risk behavior, such as substance abuse and attempted suicide, increases significantly.
  • 31% of men and 29% of women reported experiencing harassment or physical violence from family members on the basis of their sexual orientation
  •  26% of gay male youth were forced to leave home because of conflicts with family members over sexual orientation
  • In a survey of 402 transgendered people, 78% reported having been verbally harassed and 48% reported having been victims of assault, including assault with a weapon, sexual assault, and rape
  •  32% (in comparison to 7% heterosexual youth) reported a suicide attempt
LGBTQ youth who have been abused are also more likely to be revictimized, or “the notion that individuals who experience victimization in childhood are at increased risk for subsequent victimization at some point in their lives.” Revictimization can include depression and anxiety, as well as other traumas, such as sexual and physical abuse.
There are a growing number of resources for support for LGBTQ youth. Check out the links below for more information!
Lambda Legal
Child Welfare League of America
Risk Data
Childhood victimization and lifetime revictimization

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