Monday, June 10, 2013

The Importance of CACs Explained by Bud Cramer

Bud Cramer Explains Importance of CACs

Bud Cramer makes a plea to Congress and the President to install funding for Children's Advocacy Centers across the country. Bud, a former Alabama Congressperson and District Attorney, was instrumental in the creation of the CAC model and eventually the National Children's Alliance. Mr. Cramer recounts his journey and stresses the importance of CACs in his piece, "Don't Turn Your Back on Victims of Child Abuse" on

Here are some key points made by Mr. Cramer:

  • 5 children die from abuse and neglect each day and every 13 seconds a child is abused
  • More than 800 Children's Advocacy Centers exist in the US
  • CACs reduce the cost of each investigation by an average of $1,000
  • 280,000 children were served by CACs last year alone

Please check out Bud Cramer's article to learn how vital CACs are to helping child victims.

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