Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Protective Factors for Preventing Child Abuse

Protective Factors

Why does child abuse happen? There is not a clear answer, but professionals have agreed that when families have certain characteristics--referred to as protective factors-- child abuse is less likely to occur.

1) Nurturing and Attachment - Parents and children need to form a strong, caring bond to ensure that children achieve positive development.
2) Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development - Parents who understand child development are more likely to provide an environment that is safe and where children can achieve their potential.
3) Parental Resilience - When parents are able to effectively bounce back from occasional crisis and everyday stressors, they will likely refrain from directing stress at their children.
4) Social Connections - Parents can utilize positive relationships with other adults to gain support and learn additional parenting tactics.
5) Concrete Supports for Parents - Basic needs--food, shelter, transportation, healthcare-- must be in place for a parent to support the well-being of their children and themselves.
6) Social and Emotional Competence of Children - When children can effectively communicate their needs, parents are better able to fulfill these needs.

For more in-depth information concerning protective factors, visit Child Information Gateway:

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