Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Celebrate Memorial Day

Honoring Memorial Day with Your Children

Memorial Day is right around the corner! Here are some ways that you can honor our military heroes--those who lost their lives, have served, and are currently serving-- with your children:

1)      Send a care package or write a thank you letter to a soldier
2)      Go to a public gathering and make sure to thank a veteran or servicemember while you're there
3)      Wear red, white, and blue to show patriotism
4)      Visit your local memorial cemetary:
5)     Participate in the National Moment of Silence at 3pm

For more ideas, check out these blogs.

Check out these blogs: 

Friday, May 17, 2013

5 Myths about Missing Children

Dr. David Finklehor Debunks the Myths about Missing Children

The return of the three missing young women in Cleveland has created a stir in the media. The outpour of public support for the survivors is heartwarming, however, many fallacies surrounding the issue of child abduction have surfaced. David Finklehor, Director of the Crimes Against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire, composed and debunked five myths surrounding missing children.

Similar to the myths surrounding sexual abuse of children, we often believe that strangers pose the greatest risk to our children. The notion of "stranger danger" is many times unfounded, as Dr. Finklehor points out in his piece.

Myths concerning technology's role in child abduction are also evident in our society. David Finklehor explains that, contrary to popular belief, the internet can be attributed to less abductions and provides ease in finding children.

Dr. Finklehor's points are important to consider in working to eliminate child exploitation. Check out his article through this link:

Monday, May 13, 2013

"Kids Are Worth It!" Conference

Prevent Child Abuse Louisiana's 
"Kids Are Worth It!" Conference

From left to right: JCAC Executive Director, Erika Dupepe; Former Miss America and Incest Survivor, Marilyn Van Derbur; JCAC Forensic Interviewer, Brittney Bergeron; JCAC AmeriCorps VISTA, Ashley Sturz

The Jefferson Children's Advocacy Center team attended the Prevent Child Abuse Louisiana's 27th Annual "Kid's Are Worth It!" Conference. The conference focused on child abuse prevention and equipped participants with further knowledge to end the epidemic of child abuse.

Keynote speaker, Marilyn Van Derbur--former Miss America, author, and incest survivor--told her story of surviving incest, including the challenges and triumphs in her recovery. Ms. Van Derbur has shared her story with many audiences in order to increase awareness and to promote child abuse prevention. Marilyn is truly an inspiration!

Another highlight of the conference included the presentation by, Carey Casey, CEO of the National Center for Fathering (NCF). Mr.Casey used humor to share his passion for the mission of the NCF and Championship Fathering. The movement of Championship Fathering prompts fathers to "Love their children, Coach their children, Model for their children, Encourage other children, and Enlist other dads to join the team"

The JCAC team thanks everyone who made the conference a success! 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Do You Use Proper Words?

Proper Words

What words do you use when you talk to your child about their private parts? Do you use euphenisms or do you teach them proper names?

Pediatricians and other professionals who work with children overwhelmingly support teaching children proper names for their "private" parts. Using nicknames can imply that these body parts are shameful and dirty, and can make victimization of children easier for perpetrators.

Proper terminology gives children ownership of their body. When children know and use the appropriate words for their body parts they can more easily disclose abuse. Furthermore, children are more empowered to identify when they are being inappropriately touched.

For more information on proper names, read these articles:

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Trees for Life Ceremony

Trees for Life

Child advocates in the greater New Orleans area gathered to commemorate the 42 children who died from abuse and neglect in Louisiana during 2012. The event was hosted at the New Orleans Children's Advocacy Center on April 22nd, 2013.

At the ceremony child advocates were honored with a tree representing a child who died from abuse or neglect. When the honoree was awarded their tree, the child's age and the reason for their death was read to the audience. The honoree was asked to plant their tree and to hang a blue ribbon on it every April in tribute to the child who died. The blue ribbon represents Child Abuse Prevention.

To learn more about the event, follow this link: